Saturday, 3 September 2011

Sampler Quilt

My sampler quilt was a labour of love but once I had the patchwork done I struggled with the quilting and so it got bundled away for a few years until I heard that the Bramble Patch at Weedon did a quilting service with a long arm quilting maching and so I took it there to be quilted. Oce done I only had to bind the edges and I finally did it this summer while being cold and ill! Its a shame the bedroom isnt still in the colours it was when I started the quilt!!!

My sampler quilt blocks

I started making this quilt before we moved to where we are now so over 15 years ago. I enjoyed making all the different blocks - here they are individually

Patchwork revisited!!!

Being ill has had its advantages although I'd rather not be ill but during this time I have managed to finish off 2 quilts that have been stored in a cupboard for the last 14/15 years. As well as giving me something easy to do it has also kept me warm while I have been feeling very cold. This one is a single bed size and all machine pieced and quilted.

another bag

This is a stash bag I made for some wool - I found the pattern on Ravelry and it was really quick and easy to crochet up. I used an aran yarn as I couldnt work out from the pattern what the yarn was used so had to guess at the thickness - the aran worked out well

Saturday, 13 August 2011

Made in Greece 2!!!

The second bag I made on holiday was from another kit i found in my stash and was so easy to make - again I want to line it. This is the ideal size for my books or my kindle so I can see me using this one a lot!!

Made in Greece!!!!

I didnt manage to do too much crocheting on holiday as I found my hands got too hot and sticky in the heat of Thassos so only managed if I sat in an air conditioned room. The red bag I made was from a patons kits i had in my stash and it was easy to take away with me. I intend to put a zip into it and also line it but I havent done that yet.

Thursday, 21 July 2011

knitted squares

Ive also been knitting some squares some the same in different colours and other different patterns but all in pastel shades - not quite sure what they are for as yet but they will be sewn together at some point when I have enough for them to be anything!! Its more of a stash busting exercise!

more crocheted blocks

Ive been making a few more blocks using the book I mentioned earlier by Jan Eaton. They aren't all coming out exactly the same size and I thought it was down to my tension (which is usually good) but reading a group disscussion on Ravelry it seems everyone else has the same outcome. I'll just have to tidy them up and make them the same size once I am ready to join - but that wont be for a while!!!

Wednesday, 20 July 2011

my next project

Since finishing the blanket I have been working on a bag using a pattern from Lucy at attic24 (a blog that is fab) Lucy's is worked in an aran weight yarn and it beautiful stripes of lots of colours I used some double knitting cotton as I had some in my stash and did a few more rows on the base and sides - I am really pleased with how it turned out and have had a few compliments already!

So here it is.....

the charity blanket finished

I finished my charity blanket and handed it onto the lady who sends them off to the charity. I was pleased with how it looked and had a hard time giving it away - I'll just have to make myself one now

Thursday, 30 June 2011

another charity blanket

I have crocheted lots of squares for another (bigger) charity blanket using mainly yarn Ive had free in magazines with a few oddments thrown in - the squares piled up ready for sorting into order ...

The squares bagged up ready for crocheting together...

The pins and the yarn ready for putting the blanket together...

To follow - the completed blanket - not sure how long it will take to finish it but pics to follow soon!!! (I'm about half way through already!)